• Providing legal advice, assistance and other legal services, drafting various contracts, regulations and other legal instruments, and providing Chinese, Portuguese, English, Italian, Spanish translation services;
  • Acting or assisting the parties in filing applications to the Government and bidding the grant of administrative concession, especially for land, gaming licenses, credit and financial institution, franchised public services, public works, etc.;
  • Providing legal consultancy services to commercial enterprises, including: banks, gaming operators, insurance companies, fuel companies, airlines, hotels, resorts, theme parks, food and beverage companies, medical institutions, travel agencies, shipping enterprises, logistics and transport enterprises, and higher education institutions, associations, public institutions and government departments, public enterprises, professional associations and representing them as attorneys in court proceedings;
  • Providing legal and consultancy services to the Macau companies that intend to list on overseas stock markets;
  • Representing parties to participate in or initiate civil and labor litigations, criminal and administrative proceedings and appeals;
  • Representing parties to file, before the competent court of Macau, proceedings of confirmation and enforcement of judgements of foreign countries, Mainland China and Hong Kong, including the arbitration tribunal award;
  • Representing parties to handle the inheritance of property affairs, including the confirmation of the eligibility of the successor, the compulsory or non-compulsory property inventory, the partition of inheritance and the related registration of transfer of property rights and tax settlement procedures;
  • Representing parties to participate in or initiate consensual divorce, controversial divorce, adoption and the settlement of the exercise of the parental rights of minor child;
  • Representing parties to participate in non-litigation or economic negotiations, and mediate related disputes;
  • Providing legal services for the protection of intellectual property rights and related rights, especially the search, registration and renewal of trademarks, patents, names and insignias of business premises, and related defenses and judicial appeals;
  • Representing parties to attend to all formalities in various government departments, apply for various administrative licenses, and search on commercial and movable assets registration, tax registration, property, civil and societies registration and court pending cases;
  • Handling all notarial services that can be provided by the private notary under the laws of Macao, namely in connection with transactions and/or contracts of purchase/mortgage on real estate, establishment of company (including offshore companies and branch offices), incorporation of associations and foundations and amendments to its articles of association, equity transfer contracts, modification of the company’s articles, dissolution of company, and all kinds of powers of attorney and agency.